Pacific Western Network Ministries

WIN is the Prayer Ministry of Pacific Western Network Ministries, IPHC.  Our assignment is to cultivate and equip the prayer ministry in the Local Church.  We believe we have a mandate from God to raise up intercessors generationally.  The word of God declares, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations."  A church that is called to plant and destined to grow must have effectual fervent prayer as a central theme to fulfill its vision and assignment.

As part of our arsenal of resources, here is a sampling of teaching modules we make available to the local church.  As you review the list, if you would like to offer one or more of the following classes in your church, feel free to contact our WIN office at your convenience.  If you need assistance establishing a prayer ministry, do not wait another day to ask for help.  We welcome your inquiry.

Prayer for Healthy Church Life:

  • Establishing Prayer in the Local Church

  • The Priority of Prayer in the Local Church

  • Call of the Watchman

  • I Am Hearing From God in Prayer, Now What?

  • Holy Spirit Baptism

  • Do I Have to Pray in the Spirit to be Effectual?

  • Teach Me to Hear From God

  • Praying in the Spirit - Perfect Prayers

  • If My People:  The Role of Humility in Prayer

  • Spirit Led Prayer

  • Teaching Men to Pray

  • Birthing VS Building - The Role of the Intercessor in Church Life

  • Raising Up Young Intercessors in Our Church

  • Cohesive Prayer in a Group Setting - She is Hearing One Thing and I See Another - Who is Right?

  • Supplication / Intercession - Hand in Hand

  • Praying Through - The Lost Art of Spiritual Breakthrough

  • The Tools of Prophetic Intercession / Prophecy, Discernment, Word of Wisdom, and Word of Knowledge


WIN - World Intercessors Network

The Vision of WIN

To connect IPHC believers to the heart of God through prayer as we intercede for local churches, Pac West Conf. , General Conference and for the nations.

The Mission of WIN

·  pray for unity in the body of Christ.

·  pray for the multiplication of believers and churches.

·  pray for believers to be discipled in worship, fellowship, and world wide evangelism.

·  pray for divine connections with other believers, ministries businesses, etc.

International Pentecostal Holiness Church